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About Me

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Hi! I'm Lisa. First and foremost, I'm a wife and mom of two little girls. I live in Chicago, but grew up in Clearwater, Florida and am a Floridian at heart. I enjoy hiking, mushroom hunting and foraging, reading, learning, traveling and all things birth and baby related!

I am a Certified Doula, Holistic Birthkeeper, Peer Lactation Counselor, HypnoBirthing Educator, Perinatal Reiki Practitioner and Placenta Specialist. I'm currently a studying herbalist and Fertility Advocate. I have a passion for natural remedies like tinctures, teas, herbs, homeopathy and essential oils, but have respect that modern Western medicine is sometimes necessary and life saving.


My interest in birthwork began after my second daughter's birth. My first birth experience left me feeling traumatized and reluctant to ever give birth again so I set off to learn all things birth related to ensure the second time was better. I read a million birth books, listened to podcasts, watched lectures, and took online and in-person classes. As a result, my second birth experience was amazing and left me feeling so empowered and wanting to scream from the rooftops about how magical and empowering birth can actually be. My passion for birth led me to help friends plan and prepare for their births and eventually to study and certify as a doula so I could help parents in my community have empowering birth experiences.

My goal is to help parents reclaim birth as the magical and empowering experience it is meant to be.

birth philosophy

Birth is a natural event, not a medical emergency. It occasionally needs medical intervention, but more often than not, birth works.

Women hold inherent knowledge about birth and their intuition is to be followed.


Women in labor deserve autonomy, informed consent, upmost respect and privacy.


Cesarean sections are a life saving procedures, but happen at an alarming rate and occasionally without medical neccessity.


VBACs are safer than repeat Cesereans in most cases and should be considered a valid option.

Training and certifications
Holistic Birthkeeper & Doula


Certified Peer Lactation Counselor


Herbs and Nutrition Intensive Training


HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator

HypnoBirthing Institue

Resolving Shoulder Dystocia

Spinning Babies

Spinning Babies Workshop

Spinning Babies

Placenta Preparation Specialist


Perinatal Reiki Practitioner

Reiki for Birth Professionals

areas of experience

out of hospital births

Lisa is a very experienced home birth and birth center doula. She has experience at The Birth Center of Chicago (and is featured on their website here), Burr Ridge Birth Center and the Birth Center at PCC.

hospital births

Lisa has attended births in most Chicagoland hospitals. Her favorite hospitals are Evanston and West Suburban due to their respectful patient centered care.

free births

Lisa considers it a privilege to be invited to freebirths. She does not partake in any medical care, but is there to provide emotional support and comfort to the mother and family.

my partner


Greetings! My name is Tia Wente and I am professional certified birth doula trained by Prodoula and DONA International, two of the leading certifying organizations in America.

I want to take a moment to tell you a little about me personally, because allowing someone into your birth space is a very personal decision.

I am a married mother of two beautiful children. My motherhood journey has been vastly different between the two.

My first child was a “perfect” doula assisted, unmedicated delivery. This wonderful little girl made me a mom. We had a fairly easy breastfeeding experience and she was an “easy” baby by most accounts.

In 2014 I was blessed with a miracle baby boy who beat all the odds of a difficult pregnancy and graced us with his presence 10 weeks to soon. My delivery was unexpected, not well supported, and left me feeling very vulnerable. I struggled through the stages of lactation with a NICU baby and gained a new insight into feeding and care of a special needs child.

My experiences have led me to become a birth doula so that I can uplift and support all people, all births, and all feeding journeys. I have been gifted a unique perspective and ability to empathize and support.

Today we are a happy family of four. We enjoy long days at the park and playing board games at night. One of life’s greatest pleasures is curling up with a good book and cuddles from my kids. I have learned to never take a single day for granted. 

Want to see if we'd be a good fit for your birth team?
Let's schedule a consult!

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